Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I was mandated by the chief to post by Thursday so here it goes:
I watched Sydney Lumet's classic, "Network", the other night and was mesmerized, as I am every time I watch it. However, I noticed within myself a distance from it, could it be that time had watered the impact of such an cinematic opus? For the first time the seemingly archaic technology and and the biting wit of the leads such as, Faye Dunaway, William Holden, Robert Duvall and of course Peter Finch, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!!", and dated. The memorable scene where the citizens of New York fly open their windows and scream that infamous line gave me a feeling of such hopelessness and a sense of dread and social impotence so intense that I turned it off and started watching 50 cent's "Before I Self Destruct." oh oh. The pervading sadness of Curtis Jackson's directorial debut matched my mood as I pondered the cinematic silence of the day...In this age of a technological deluge-the camera warriors of our time seem to re-hash the common themes of self-reality pontificating, bathroom mirror shots that scream of! It's not Network's fault that the culture of 1976- 34years ago, does not hold the attention of this aging filmmaker....You know where this is going....peace...falaq

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